2008-03-15 10:41:13 UTC
÷ incoming/backports/3.0/ ×ÙÌÏÖÅÎÙ ÎÏ×ÙÅ ÐÁËÅÔÙ:
Description :
Pathload is a tool for estimating the available bandwidth
of an end-to-end path from a host S (sender) to a host R (receiver).
The available bandwidth is the maximum IP-layer
throughput that a flow can get in the path from S to R,
without reducing the rate of the rest of the traffic in the path.
ChangeLog :
* Sat Mar 15 2008 Serhii Hlodin <hlodin> 1.3.2-alt0.M30.1
- backport to ALTLinux 3.0
* Sat Mar 15 2008 Serhii Hlodin <hlodin> 1.3.2-alt1
- Initial build from source
Description :
Pathrate measures the capacity of a network path from host S (sender) to host
R (receiver). The capacity of a path, aka bottleneck bandwidth, is the
maximum IP-layer throughput that a flow can get in the path from S to R. The
capacity does not depend on the load of the path.
ChangeLog :
* Sat Mar 15 2008 Serhii Hlodin <hlodin> 2.4.1-alt0.M30.1
- backport to ALTLinux 3.0 (by rpmbph script)
* Sat Mar 15 2008 Serhii Hlodin <hlodin> 2.4.1-alt1
- Initial build from source
Description :
Pathload is a tool for estimating the available bandwidth
of an end-to-end path from a host S (sender) to a host R (receiver).
The available bandwidth is the maximum IP-layer
throughput that a flow can get in the path from S to R,
without reducing the rate of the rest of the traffic in the path.
ChangeLog :
* Sat Mar 15 2008 Serhii Hlodin <hlodin> 1.3.2-alt0.M30.1
- backport to ALTLinux 3.0
* Sat Mar 15 2008 Serhii Hlodin <hlodin> 1.3.2-alt1
- Initial build from source
Description :
Pathrate measures the capacity of a network path from host S (sender) to host
R (receiver). The capacity of a path, aka bottleneck bandwidth, is the
maximum IP-layer throughput that a flow can get in the path from S to R. The
capacity does not depend on the load of the path.
ChangeLog :
* Sat Mar 15 2008 Serhii Hlodin <hlodin> 2.4.1-alt0.M30.1
- backport to ALTLinux 3.0 (by rpmbph script)
* Sat Mar 15 2008 Serhii Hlodin <hlodin> 2.4.1-alt1
- Initial build from source
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